PT SCTV is private television station in Indonesia which first started in Surabaya in 1990 and only reached : Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali. On August 1993 SCTV began to relay nationally.
With its commitment to always provide the audience with entertainment and informational programs which are both entertaining and of good quality, we keeps on improving and developing its programming, technoligical and Human Resources aspects.
The targeted audience are families who always expect the best and always try to improve the qualities of their lives. Through its various programs SCTV expects to function as a window to the world, through which families could see various trends and actualities.
Through 33 rtelay stations and with the support of the digital satelitte SCTV is receivable in the entire provinces of Indonesia which consist of more than 15.000 islands. Presently SCTV has reached more than 58 millions audiences.